Bree R., Las Vegas, NV

Alchemical hypnotherapy in general is one of the best things in the world. As a healing modality, it takes you into your subconscious and lets you change a negative memory into a positive one so you can live your life without those automatic negative reactions connected to that memory.  I've felt more joy healing some of the worst moments, and more connected to myself than ever.   believe in this form of healing more than any other. And when doing it, there is no fear, there's no pain, you don't relive the experience in the way you would in other, more traditional forms of therapy. It's absolutely fantastic and something every person on earth should experience.

And Jerry is amazing at helping you find that place that needs to be healed. He has a unique, and very calming way about him that makes you feel so comfortable talking about what's happening in your mind, why you're there. He unlocks you so you can live your life with a greater sense of self, less depression, more happiness. 

And it can be about anything.  He unlocks money issues, or why you're afraid of confrontation, and it works! I don't take crap from anybody anymore, and within two weeks of a money session with him, I landed the two paying clients in my new business. 

The healing technique works and Jerry is wonderful.  Definitely give it a try, you will never regret it.


A.M., Wellness Educator


Linda M., Berkeley, CA