Chris Summers, Oakland, CA
You are a wonderful man. When I was 36 or 37 and trying to imagine what life would be like if I wasn't stoned for half the week and was daring to dream about stepping in the fabled river of bliss, I started working with an amazing male therapist who did body work with interactive therapy. My body and brain were learning so much in the first month of sessions that I would come home and sleep for several hours after I saw him, because I was saturated with so much input. It was the only way I could process things.
After leaving your office, I was overcome with that same stunned sense of wonder. And as Martha says, "it's a good thing!"
I did not believe I could ever feel again the way I feel now.
My deepest thanks to you.
She then posted the following on Craigslist, where she had responded to my ad:
I Just Tried The Hypnotherapy for the Creatively Bogged Down-WOW!
On August 9th, there was a posting here on CL entitled, "Hypnotherapy for the Creatively Bogged Down". I was at an extremely low point in my life, and had been slowly dying (inwardly) from writer's/artist's block for more years than I care to say. I e-mailed the guy. Set up a session.
Well, I just got home from a session with Jerry. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I am now finishing the book that's been sitting in the desk drawer for 6 years, but for the first time-I FEEL LIKE I CAN! I actually WANT to write and paint and do my art. No Prozac, no Serzone, no booze or weed or E has made me feel this way before.
This is not a shill post. I met Jerry for the first time tonight, but I can say in all sincerity-if you have issues, get in touch with him! He is gentle, caring, non-threatening and REAL. He creates a safe space and lets you get in touch with what ails you, without scaring you, and without making you feel like you'll have to keep coming back for 95 sessions. Worth every penny AND MORE. You owe it to yourself.
I feel like I just got my life back.
One month later…
My depression is about 900% better, my sleep has improved, I've actually written a bit and been more active. All unheard of things 1 month ago.