Nick B., Pleasanton, CA
I met Jerry while he was working as a counselor at MPI, a drug and alcohol rehab facility in Oakland CA. His manner was so disarming and his attitude so caring--projecting empathy not sympathy--that I signed up for a one-on-one session with him at the first opportunity. His rapport with clients was heads above the other counselors, who seemed determined to "fix" rather than listen and guide. My hypnotherapy journey with him was highly individualized and allowed me to explore a quietly traumatic episode from my early youth. I was so taken by his practice and protocol that I sought him out after finishing my rehab for a regular paid session. Whats more, much more, is that Jerry's work inspired me to become certified as an alchemical hypnotherapist myself and to pursue a range of holistic healing modalities that serve me to this day. My journey continued by getting a Masters in Consciousness and Transformative Studies at JFK University in Pleasant Hill CA. I owe much to Jerry for setting me on this conscious path.