Nik (Nicole), Walnut Creek, CA
I was shocked that I actually quit smoking after only one session of hypnosis. I tried no less than eight times in the past two years, including again and again throughout my pregnancy. When I drove away from Jerry's that amazing day I was overwhelmed with emotions; I just knew I had already had my last cigarette. I went into this therapy with the attitude that it would work for me. No matter what, I was ready. I do believe this intention solidified my success.
It was kind of weird at first, you know... a new environment, remembering times long ago, making up images to help me envision...all that. Jerry made me feel so relaxed and hopeful, I just knew it would work for me. What surprises me the most is how disgusted I am with cigarettes now. I cannot stand the smell of my still-smoking friends. My friends keep asking if I'm craving cigarettes and I truly am still grossed out. It's not that I have not thought about one of those yucky little suckers but I'm not fiending, nor have I had much withdrawal (other than some restless nights). I've had plenty of tense/stressful moments and have not once thought to just have a smoke.
I am eternally grateful for being able to finally quit after 21 years of hard-core puffing. Thanks, Jerry. I hope you can save many more lives. You truly helped me save mine!